sábado, 29 de abril de 2017

Weekly links, 6th grade - "This is Houston", "Electricity and Magnetism" and "Spain's Politics" 3

Good morning everyone!

This week has been very particular, because we have had two scholar trips, on Monday and Wednesday, and one special day on Friday, with the celebration of the Book's Day in our school. On Monday we were walking and learning in the old Madrid with Carmen García, the author of "Atrapados en las leyendas de Madrid". Two days later, on Wednesday, we went to the Air Museum in Cuatrovientos, and you had a wonderful opportunity to learn many things about the importance of the aviation and its origins, in Spain and around the world.

On the other hand, we have started yesterday another long weekend, and I hope you enjoy it. But, remember, we are also starting a very important month next Wednesday, with many things and some tests to do, apart from our usual classes. So, as I told you, you have time to rest and enjoy, but you should also study and review a little the main grammar and vocavulary of the last years, not only because it is good for you, but also thinking in the next external exams.

The dates for the Cambridge tests will be the next ones: On May 23th we will do the writing parts of levels A2 and B1 (PET and KET), including activities of Reading, Listening and Writing. The next day, on May 24Th we will do the Speaking part.

Apart from that, you know that we will also do the CDI tests of the Comunity of Madrid, on 31st of May and 1st of June. In these two days, you will be evaluated in the next four matters: Spanish language, Maths, Science and Technology (the tree of them in Spanish), and English language.

Thus, during the next weeks, we will focus our attention not only in our usual programme, but also in the preparation of these tests.

Besides, before summarizing the last week, I want to remind you that next Thursday 4th, we will have the term meeting with your parents. As always, it is very important that they do an effort to come to the meeting.


We have learnt some details about important events in space, and how to talk about them. Moreover, we have listened and read and interesting story based on the famous film "The planet of the monkeys". We have also worked with the PET book in the preparation for the tests.

Natural and Social Sciences

ElectrolysisIn this matters, due to the complicated schedule, this month we are going to work at a different pace in the two groups. In group A, we have learnt about the Earth's magnetic field, and about the effects of electricity. You have here a picture about Electrolysis and, at the bottom of these lines, you can watched again the videos that we have watched in the class.

In Social Science, we have talked about how is Spain organized and what the public services are.

Water Electrolysis

Electroplating: Copper-Plate a Key

Art & Crafts

This week we have continued working on de design of the cover of a book. Not all of you have finished properly your covers, but I have just put all of them on the walls. Next week I will take some photos and I will put them here.

Have a good weekend!

sábado, 22 de abril de 2017

Weekly links, 6th grade - "This is Houston", "Electricity and Magnetism" and "Spain's Politics" 2

Good afternoon!

After Easter, we have started the last term of the year. This is what we have done this week:


On Monday, we talked about the importance of connectors and we saw a complete revision of them through a Power Point presentation.

Moreover, we studied Reported Speech and we listened and read a new story of Phoebe, Patrick and Alex.

Finally, we were practising on Friday some exercises from the PET book. Remember to finish the homework that we will correct next Thursday.

Natural Science

In this unit about Electricity and Magnetism, we have talked about how Elegtromagnetism was discovered and, in group A, we have seen what magnet bars are.

We have watched these two videos:

Oersted's Experiment

The Science Behind Magnets How do they Work

Social Science

With regard to Social Sciences, in this new unit about Spain's politics, we have continued talking about democracy, our rigts and responsibilities. Besides, we have seen how the power is distributed in Spain and how Spain is organised.

Art & Crafts

To finish, this week we have started to work on de design of the cover of a book, because the Book's Day that we will celebrate next week.

See you on Monday!

sábado, 8 de abril de 2017

Weekly links, 6th grade - "Old and New", "Electricity and Magnetism" and "Spain's Politics" 1

Good Morning!

Until this Saturday, I haven't been able to write this weekly post. Here you are.


This has been another short week before Easter, and we have maily worked with a new English lesson from the Oxford book of Reading and Writing, with unit 6, entitled: "Old and New". We have also finished the last listenings of the KET book, and we will start to work with more exercises for the KET test after Easter (you won't need to buy the book).

On Thursday, we have watched the film "The Avengers" in group B, and the first episode of the TV series "Arrow" in group A (because the distribution of the timetable, we haven't had enough time in this group to watch a whole film). In both cases, we have watched the videos with subtitles in English, and I insist on the importance of doing this at home by yourselves, from time to time, as a wonderful and comfortable way to learn English.

Natural Science and Social Science

In both matters, we only have presented the new units: "Electricity and magnetism" (still in the same book, module 2) and "Spain's politics" (in the third book, module 3, of Social Science). Not all of you have brought this book these days, but remember the importance of bringing it to follow the classes properly. It is compulsory!

Although the photos don't have a good quality, you can see here one example from each group of the murals about matter that we have finished:

Matter - group A

Matter - group B

Art & Crafts

In this subject, most of you have finish the last exercise with the compass, and we will change of activity after Easter.

Finally, I want to remember you your homework for these holydays:

  • English: The first and second term tests.
  • Natural Science: A card with rights or responsibilities (I have given you the coloured cards)-
  • Art & Crafts: The flower with 12 petals, drawn with the compass and coloured.
Enjoy your holidays!